Dear new baby,
I had my first OB doctor appointment on this past Friday. Dr Friedman is really great. Everything looked good - I had every blood test in the world ran and everything turned out OK! She wanted to make sure mommy wasn't further along than I should be, so she scheduled an ultrasound. Auntie Jenn came down to be with momma for the big day as daddy had to work. Kristin said everything looked good as far as she could tell. I don't see Dr Friedman again until July 30th. You are so small the pictures were amazing to see!
In this picture, your big tummy is on the left, and your head in on the right. You can see your face right now is just a skeleton - very alien-like! That dot above your tummy is your hand! You were rather skirmy but we got a few good shots of you. I'll get to see you again at 20 weeks. Right now here were my stats on you!
Gestation Age: 13 weeks
Baby length: 7.1cm
Heart Rate: 161bpm
Due Date: January 19, 2008
That is all I have right now. I've been feeling you move somewhat - more like fluttering movements in my tummy - and a few pokes from you but that's it. You've stopped making mommy sick, which I'm thankful for. With the help of Ambien, I am sleeping much better now at night.
Mommy has now been staying home full-time with Maysen for over a week now. I am looking forward to being able to stay home full time with you, too, once you're here!