Monday, July 28, 2008

Seven Months

Dear Griffin,

You are 7 months old today and just this past week, your bottom two front teeth were born. You had been working so hard to get them here!!! You’ve been a drool bucket for the last several months it has seemed. But Finally, they are here!!

You are not officially crawling yet, because you have decided you like to do Mr Inch Worm. You plant your toes, keep your legs straight, and lift up, sort of like an upside down “V”. On your way down, you slide and you’ll move about another inch forward. Of course you roll all over the place, and just today you rolled onto your side and sorta lounge back (like you always have) but you used your ab muscles and actually pulled yourself from that side lounge back into a full sitting position with no help! It was exciting. You are so happy … especially being more mobile.

And you LOVE to eat!! You are eating two of the Stage II Gerber foods. If you don’t eat two it’s because we’ve made one runny one, like green beans, with a half-bowl full of thick oatmeal but even then, the bowl is overly full with thick thick beans. You eat it all up! Then usually you’re asleep after that … hehe.

You are saying “Ta-Ta-Da-Da-Ta”, especially when you’re excited. I think they’re just sounds that you make more than a recognition toward anyone. But we’re working with you on how to understand just WHO “Da-Da” is.

Fourth of July was fun this year, your first one. Anything loud and it was NOT Ok. Luckily the night of the fireworks, you were fast asleep and never woke up once! Good boy!

You LOVE slapping the water. You sit on your little yellow spongie and just slap the crap out of the water. Double fisted most times. You cackle with delight as you do this, not even minding that so much water is in your eyes you can’t see! You’ve also started doing this wiggle, almost dance when he’s on his back naked – doesn’t matter if it’s water or on the carpet. He wiggles his top part one direction, and his bottom the other and it looks more like a dance. And he gets going so far and just smiiiiiiiling. He’s such a happy boy.

We love you, baby boy. Onward HO to Month 8.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

1st Tooth!


Your first tooth was born yesterday morning. I'd imagine it popped through during the night of 7/22. Your other one is right there and will pop out today I'm sure. It's already at the surface and you can see it, just needs nudged. You're officially eating crackers now :-)

I call you my inch worm because I just don't think you want to crawl. You get it, I think, but you'd rather just raise your whole body in the air and upon coming down, you push forward, slowly inching along. It's more fun, right?

Love you.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

6 months

Hi Fin!!

Boy are six months now. I just posted about the things you did, but wanted to do a blirp about what Dr Pelinka thought about our man at 6mo. She said you are looking so good, and that if she saw you like this at 10 months old she would be just as happy developementally. You sat up good for her, smiled and even talked to her. You got all your shots, and she told me about an anemia screen you'll have to have at either 9 or 12 months. To be honest, I don't think momma's going to have that done. Only because, you aren't at risk for it and for two, your little tiny veins are so hard to get blood from -- at OHSU they had to put you under anesthesia just to get the "important" immunity labs from you. I have a hard time justifying doing that to you and putting you through that for some screen that you're at low risk for. So, momma will talk to Dr Pelinka about that at the next visit. I have your back! :-)

Stats: Weight: 16lb 14oz (50% in weight)
Height: 27 inches (75% in height)

You are eating stage 2 foods now twice a day (trying to slow you down!) and still eating good on formula. You go straight to bed at 7:30-8pm every night without a hitch. You wake up to eat at about 5:30 and sleep again until 8 or so.

You are loving your stand up toys ... like your gymboree thing and Johnny Jump Up. You like to be on your tummy, but will throw up a lot like that. Too much pressure. You sleep on your tummy at night and that makes for a leaky diaper so usually a change at the 5am waking. You are doing the backwards crawl thing, wanting so much to be mobile. You like to watch TV and eat ... or you'll roll over to the TV just to watch. You still have this connection with your brother -- where he does the scariest things to you and you love it ... cackling the whole time. Scary ...

With that I'll close. I love you, Mr Fin.