Thursday, August 30, 2007

Shy Baby

On Monday we had the ultrasound that was to tell us exactly what you were. We waited very patiently while we watched you move around on the screen. Daddy said to the tech "When you get there, we want to guess what the sex is." Nothing was ever said. Finally we asked, only to be told that she was unsure because your legs were so tightly closed she couldn't see! The ultrasound was a hour long and not once did you open those things for anyone to see!! I was disappointed not knowing that day because I was looking forward to getting to shop, confirm your name, and get stuff picked out for your room! I guess God is telling me to be more patient. But I do get one more shot. Since my blood pressure has been running high on my last few visits (Thank you White-Coat Syndrome) I am lucky enough to have multiple more ultrasounds to measure your growth until the day you arrive! Our next ultrasound is scheduled for Wed Sept 26th. I keep talking to you, asking you to please show of your "goods" just for one quick peek. I hope you are listening!

One of the funny things you did was we were talking about how closed your legs were while the tech was measuring your abdomen, you stretched both legs as far and hard as you could. Your little legs and feet looked just like a ballerina pointing her toes. It was just for one quick moment, though and then they were right back up.

I'm starting to feel a bit more *knock on wood* energized the last few days. I hope that keeps up. Your brother starts school in about 10 days and he'll be going 3 mornings a week. That will give me time to rest in the mornings as you grow bigger. Once you're here that will give you and I special alone time. I can't wait to see you .. I wish January was already here.


Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Week 18

Dear Baby,

You're growing bigger and bigger every day! That means that mommy is too and I sure feel it already when I have to bend over. Your brother is having to learn how to pick up his own toys!!

I had my last doctor appointment a couple of weeks ago and again everything is fine. My blood pressure has been running high, but I seem to be more nervous with this new doctor than I was with Maysen. Everything seems to be going great, though! Your heart rate has been between 153-161 ever since we could hear it.

On Monday, August 27th, we find out if you are a little boy or a little girl! Daddy will be there to see, too. He's been working so hard he hasn't been able to go with me to the doctor appointments yet, so he's excited he's getting to go.

I can feel you moving around now. You're not as feisty as Maysen was, but I suspect that you will as you get bigger. You always kick me on the left side - never the right so far. I feel you about 2 times a day. You must be sleeping a lot right now!

I can't wait to see you again on Monday when you show us what you are!!
