This past weekend we had Maysen's birthday party and Auntie Jenn was here. She took our family pictures for Holiday cards. It was weird looking at them knowing that this was the last time our family was going to look like this. The next time we do Holiday pictures you are going to be in them!!
I went to my doctor appointment last week and saw you again for the 4th time. Everything is still going well. You are growing so fast! You are showing as though you are 3 weeks older than you are - because you're so big. A baby at 30 weeks should be weighing around 3lbs and you are showing about 4lbs 7 oz! My blood pressure is still running a bit high (150/90) so she said if that continues to stay high then we'll be having you early! She also said that starting now, every 2 weeks I have to see her and have fetal stress tests to make sure you're doing OK. It sounds a lot scarier than it actually is, it's just to make sure you're OK. I had to do them some with Maysen, too.
You're flipping around a lot and giving me lots of heartburn. If I lay on my left side and relax I feel better but you flip even more then - or maybe it's because I am relaxing I feel it more. Maysen still thinks you're in HIS tummy ... I wish! I can't bend over to pick anything up or I feel like I am squishing you to pieces. Maysen is a big help and will pick up things if I ask him to. He's going to be a great big brother. I'm sure you will have your tiffs in years to come, but he is loving and really is excited to be a big brother.