Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Baby Boy,

Tonight was your last dose of phenobarbital. I don't think you've even been getting much these last few days because you fall asleep during bottle time, which is what I mix the pheno in. Nonetheless, it was the last night and it's been a long phenobarbital road.

On Friday you'll be 6 months old. Half of a year! It's been fun watching you grow and change. You've been sitting up on your own for the last few days and love it. When we pick you up you want to stand and arch your back to say "Let me do it!". You're also rolling over onto your tummy no matter what is going on; bath, laying on the floor, bed. You're always on your tummy at night which scares me but you seem to not have a problem making sure you breathe!

You want to crawl so bad it's not even funny. You're starting to pick your torso up off the ground and bending one knee at a time. I wonder if you'll be more like your brother; barely crawling and going straight to walking at 9 months ....

You are enjoying baby food now, so far peas seem to be your favorite. You eat just about 3 times a day with the food and love it! I feed your in your car seat and your little feet start kicking 100mph when you see the bowl/spoon.

Will give you stats on Friday when you have your well-child check with Dr Pelinka.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

5 months

It's been a week or so since you turned 5 months old. Developmentally you're right on track, and a tad ahead on some things. You are rolling over from back to belly now all the time. The only thing is, is sometimes you get really mad when you're rolled over because you can't crawl and haven't figured out how to Army crawl yet, so you get frustrated. We are tapering you off phenobarb and now we're down to half of your dose. I've found that you are more fussy now. I don't know if that is age, or if that's the tapering process. You aren't very happy in one place for very long. If I put you in the Johnny Jumper, you're only happy for 10min. Then you cry and I move you to the floor, which you're crying in 10min. You just want to move and go that you don't stay happy long.

You and Maysen get along great. He truly loves you. I had wondered if we were going to have any problems with him hitting or being rough with you and we really haven't. He gets down and talks in a baby voice to you, and you and him often giggle amongst eachother a lot. When you cry, Maysen seems to know why you're crying which is mostly "Griffin needs a bottle!".

We have started babyfood with you because it doesn't seem like you're very satisfied with 8oz every 3hrs. So, you like having consistency in your belly. So far you've tried bananas, sweet potatoes, and green beans. I mix all these in rice, because you don't like the watery consistency plain. You sure get messy, but you eat it all! You are trying to work on the tongue-thrust part of it, and it's hard to feed you sometimes. But toward the end, I just put the bowl under your little mouth and you suck it right off the spoon. When you decide to blow/spit with all your might I have to take cover as you like to do that lots now!

Your brother is in Baker City with Gr Sherrill and Papa. It's quiet around here and you're getting a lot of attention. I think you're eating it up!
