Sunday, November 30, 2008

11 months


You might wonder where “Woozle” came from out of the blue but the fact is, is that we’ve been calling you “Bamboozle” for a long time – mainly because we’ll trick you into a lot of things and then you’ll have this look on your face like “Huh?” Bamboozle quickly turned into Woozle, Oozle, Doozle. It certainly feels like this nickname will stick. I’m sure you’re going to hate us for this, but it just seems like …. You. We’re also starting to call Maysen “Bubba” because you started calling him that one day a few weeks back. Maysen seems to like it and it’s easy to fly out.

You’re still bashful with your walking. You will walk independently for only about 6-8 feet and then sit down. You will chose crawling over walking still, but you can certainly walk on your own for a bit.

Your hair is getting really curly, especially when wet. It’s still strawberry blonde, and your eyes are still a bright blue. You still have 6 teeth, no new ones!

I am starting you on milk. You still get formula at night and at your naps, but during the day you will drink milk out of a sippy cup or a regular cup with mom’s help. Average breakfast is NutraGrain bar, yogurt, oatmeal, applesauce, Cheerios, or bites of toast. Then you get your bottle at 11:30 for naptime. You have a snack at 3:00 which usually is cottage cheese, cheese, fruit loops, applesauce. You will eat dinner with us, and then you have your bottle after bath at 7:30. That’s your routine lately.

You experienced decorating for your first Christmas. This past weekend when you turned 11 months, we put up Christmas lights and got our tree. We actually took dad’s truck, which only has a forward facing seat. So, out of a bit of a no-no we drove with you in the forward-facing seat. You weren’t any happier in that seat, but I’m hoping it was only because dad’s truck is a tight fit. You loved getting all the decorations out of the boxes and were mesmerized by all the balls, lights, and sparkly things. You like to look at the windows and look at the lights when it’s dark. We have “the singing lights” and you get excited watching all the lights go with the music.

We took your first long trip this month, too. We drove 400 miles to Baker City to visit Papa and Grandma Sherrill for an early Thanksgiving. You were not happy one bit, but we kept you entertained with mom/dad in the backseat with puppet shows, singing, and snacks. A few more weeks and we’ll be able to turn you around so you can see the world (well, at least movies with your brother).

In a few weeks you’ll turn ONE, have Christmas, and be able to sit forward in the van. Lots coming your way in the next month to come.

Love, Momma

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Walking Boy!

You have been taking steps for about 3 weeks now, but you're starting to get more brave, taking multiple steps at a time by yourself. What a big boy!! You will start smiling and going "Da-Ta-Da-Ta" when we let go. What a big boy!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

10 months

Dear Fin,

You turned 10 months a few days ago but it was right before Halloween so we had been busy!

Over the last month you’ve changed quite a bit. You are starting to take steps, which is crazy! Maysen was walking at 9 months and here you are just about ready to walk. You must be ready to chase after that big brother! You stand pretty solid on your feet now and will take independent steps, anywhere from 2-5, depending on what/where you’re going. You get excited when doing it though.

We went up to the Roloff Farm in Hillsboro, OR to pick pumpkins. The Roloff’s are the stars of a series on TLC called “Little People, Big World”. Mommy and Daddy love that show, so it was neat to go. That was your first pumpkin picking extravaganza and it was on famous land even! WooHoo!

You had your check up with Dr Pelinka on Halloween! You were a dragon for your first Halloween. Unfortunately you had to get a flu shot and a finger stick before the fun could start so you weren’t real thrilled. She said you looked great and you have your last meeting with Dr Koch at OHSU on 12/30. Here are your stats:

Weight: 20lb 2oz (20%)
Height: 29.5 inches (70%)

You’re starting to really have fun with your brother. He’ll run up like he’s going to tickle you and you shriek with excitement and want me to pick you up as quick as I can. You giggle and laugh so hard, and Maysen likes this too. He’s a bit rough on you, but that’s just what brother’s do.

President Obama was elected yesterday. You of course are too small/young to remember any of this, but one day you’ll realize just how historic this election is. It is going to impact not only your future but the futures of many many Americans.

You got 2 more teeth. You got your neighbor-to-the-front teeth. First one was on 10/17 and the other was 11/1. Right now you’re gumming things like a champ. You don’t want that babyfood anymore – you want what we are having, thank you very much. Even if that means spaghetti or ham sandwiches. I have to be careful of you choking, but you’d rather have that over baby food.

You also like drinking milk out of a regular cup. I have to hold it, and yes it’s messy, but you prefer to drink out of a cup vs even a sippy cup. You enjoy your snuggly bottles at naptime (11:30-1:30+) and at bedtime. Otherwise, you want a cup.

The last couple of days you’ve slept all night long. You do get up at 5-6am to eat, but then you go back to sleep, which is nice! You did get pink eye this month, thanks to brother’s preschool class. It comes and goes so we’ll see how long it takes to “really” go away.

I love you, baby, and shopping for your first Christmas and birthday is fastly approaching. In fact, we are going shopping in 2 days for that.

Love, Momma