Your speech is picking up now. You saw Cat (--At), Hot (--Ot), Bubba, Daddy, Momma, bath and are mimicking just about every word we say. You insist on feeding yourself with your spoon already and do a relatively good job with thick liquids like applesauce, soup, cottage cheese. So far you are left-handed.
You’ll wave bye-bye and will say “hi” when someone says it to you. You are doing this funny thing when I ask if you’re hungry or thirsty. You’ll growl. Like a grunt/growl and it’s to the point where if you are hungry/thirsty you’ll do that to basically tell me.
Surprises are fun to watch because you do the mouth-wide-open like a “gasp” but you’ll do it when you know something is going to sound funny or at a expected surprise. Speed is nothing – you are running everywhere now and will even go down/up stairs and steps with total grace. You will go to grab my hand if it’s there but if it’s not you seem to make it up/down.
BALL is your favorite word right now and love the basketball. You’ll walk around and throw it down – anything round (eggs, tomato, grapes, apples) are balls. You just cut your 10th tooth - top right molar. Strawberry-blonde is what your hair color is and very curly in the back. After the bath is when it's at it's peak "curlieness".