Friday, June 12, 2009

almost 18 months


My my how fast you are growing! I can’t believe you’re in 24mo clothing and barely 18mo old. I can still remember your brother wearing most of the clothes you’re in. We should be taking your bottle away, but it works so wonderfully in putting you to bed. I am dreading that missing from our nightly routine, just because it runs so smoothly. But, this month we will do that. Your hair is still red, but getting lighter and your curls are continuing! I’m not sure when we’ll cut it but I’m enjoying them…

You are sure smart! When you and Maysen play chase you have started to anticipate his movements. This surprises even him sometimes! You still can’t make it up onto the couch by yourself so you now go get Bubba’s stool, carry it to the couch and hoist yourself up. At bedtime I will hand you your bottle and wave “bye bye” at me and walk to your crib for ni-night.

Our first camping trip with your cousins was last month. We went to South Beach. The wind blew like you wouldn't believe and you got cold quickly. Otherwise we had a great time! You loved the sand ...

Your words you’re saying the most these days are “bubba, stop, hot, cat, hi-yee,” you’ll wave bye-bye. We have gotten used to your grunts and groans that we know what you want and have made it unnecessary for you to talk, almost. You have us wrapped around your finger!! Monkey See, Monkey Do is the newest game. You’ll imitate anyone doing anything that looks fun.

When we try and feed you, you’ll have nothing to do with it. You want to feed yourself, thank you very much!! Favorites include beans, peaches/pears, chocolate milk, Peanut Butter and Jelly, Cheeto Natural, popcorn, Fig Newtons, peas. You hate bananas - I think it's the texture.

You love the hose and spraying it but you hate to be sprayed. Sleeping through the night is happening slower than it did with Maysen. You sleep from 8:30pm until about 7:00am. If you get a bit more bottlel then you’ll sleep until 9:00am. You get one nap, still (thankful you take one!) from about noon – 2:00pm.
Your big toenails fell off a few weeks back. You must have smashed them in the door or something because one day I noticed they were lifting up! You didn't seem to mind at all, so I just trimmed them way back and eventually they fell off. Weirdest thing. You're so "cool" though, nothing ever seems to get you riled up. I love you so much ...