Tuesday, July 28, 2009


My mister Fin,

This last week Daddy and Maysen went hiking with Papa, Josh, and Jonas. You and I stayed home together and had a great time! The second the boys were out of the house, you clung to me like "Who's going to run and chase me now!?" You also soon realized that you didn't have to compete with your brother to speak so you started talking on your own! You spit out "uh oh, oopsie, woops, ouchie, wet, down, up, and more (while signing it)".

You had your 18mo check and all was well there. Nothing to add but you're doing great! Your stats were:
height: 32" (45%)
weight: 25.5lb (50%)

You continue to be Mr Independent. If you want to eat and I try to feed you, you won't eat. YOU have to be holding the spoon, thank you very much. And if something goes down you don't like, you throw a tantrum. They range from throwing yourself on the ground, to trying to hit us or Maysen, to running full speed into my leg or the couch for effect. Its rather comical.

You are very sensitive and become rather shy quickly. If you get put on the spot, you will put your finger in your mouth and tuck your head.

You love to be outside and will take any opportunity to sneak outside. Almost Hudini.

We stopped giving you the bottle at bed/nap. You seem to do OK with it but haven't been doing naps for Amanda when she is babysitting. You are offered a sippy cup at night but really don't use it (I'd rather you not ..) so that habit is broken! What a big boy ...

More to come, my growing boy ...