Sunday, November 15, 2009

23 months, Crib Freedom!

The most recent happenings around here is that you have now graduated to not being in a crib! Last weekend (11-7-09) we took the front off your crib. You didn't like it one bit! I think it was the losing-the-security-wall feeling behind. You cried and didn't want left. You'd get out of your crib and get books, try to take your PJs off. Finally since we have a video monitor I just laid you down, turned it on and sat outside your room. When you'd get out of your bed, I'd go right in and when I'd leave I could see you on the monitor looking around like "What in the world?!...." But that was a week ago and you're sleeping like a champ now. We have to sing songs (I lay my head down) and you always con me into one more (holding your little number 1 finger up). Naps are only going to happen when Bubba's home. You won't nap if he's not around. So your naps now are from about 2:30 - 4:00.


This was your 2nd Halloween. Last year you were a dragon, but you didn't understand what was going on. This year you totally got it.


We put the suit on and you weren't happy about that. But we went to Soren and Lindsey's first and by the 3rd house you were right up there saying "Tank Too" and falling off their top step because you couldn't turn your suit around quick enough. You, just like your brother when he was 3, were the talk of the neighborhood.


Today Bubba had his 5th birthday party and I can't believe that next month you will be having yours because you are TWO! You loved watching all the kids and playing around. Wendy brought you a present too along with Maysens. A pack of 3 trucks, which Maysen HAD to have, so he gave you some of his others, which you were just as happy with. However, I learned today that you wrote all over the playroom's walls earlier with marker. Dad had to replaint part of that wall. Way to go, slick.

You are really starting to open up with words. You say: (the new ones) Oh man, up, down, yuice (= drink), Scooby Doo Be Doo, *shoulder shrug*, Bubba this and Bubba that, Dots, Daiey. Cute things you do now is squint your eyes up in a smile and say "NOooooooo" (like, "no, silly .. "), shrug your shoulders if you say something like "Where's Dots?". Also, you want to pee so bad on the toilet. But, everything is "poop". So you will grab your diaper and say "poop" and that means you want to sit on the toilet. You wish so bad you'll pee, but not yet! So we just keep trying ....

I think that's it for now! I love you, Roooby-Doo.


Thursday, September 17, 2009

21 months

Baby Roo,

Life has gotten crazy lately so I am sorry there is no new pictures of you up lately except this one of you standing with Bubba on his first day of school. You love him so much and want to do everything he is doing right now.
You are growing so fast it's amazing. Your words have sprouted like weeds! You mimic just about anything we say such as, "All Done, Daddy, Bath, Bubbles, Dog, Cat (Meow), Bubba, Num-Num, Ossssh (outside), Show, Shoes, Juice, Momma (you pat your cheek), bye-bye, TOP (stop), OUCH, Nannas (banana), Owie (for everything you want attention to), Ball" and others but those are the main ones.

You went swimming while we took a family trip to Eagle Crest and you love it. We put the arm floaties on and you went around like you owned the place.

You love chocolate milk and bananas are a new favorite, but to be honest you'll eat just about anything. Naps are becoming shorter. You get up around 8:00am but won't nap until 1:00pm. Now that Bubba goes to school from 11: 30 - 2:15 you don't get much of a nap. NOOO! I'm not ready for no naps. We both need them.
You are Mr Attitude lately. When you don't want to come in you'll squeel at the top of your lungs, grab my shirt or try to pinch my cheek. That doesn't go very far because you get in trouble, but you try! You'll fall to the ground like you can't walk if we're coming inside and you dont want to. You also try and escape out the front screen door.
We are moving out of this house ... the house you were brought home from the hospital (twice) in. I'm sad that we are leaving those memories behind but I know that this is for the better of our lives. We are getting a bigger house and have hopes of building a house where you and Bubba can play and have more room to grow.
I love you, Little Roo.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


My mister Fin,

This last week Daddy and Maysen went hiking with Papa, Josh, and Jonas. You and I stayed home together and had a great time! The second the boys were out of the house, you clung to me like "Who's going to run and chase me now!?" You also soon realized that you didn't have to compete with your brother to speak so you started talking on your own! You spit out "uh oh, oopsie, woops, ouchie, wet, down, up, and more (while signing it)".

You had your 18mo check and all was well there. Nothing to add but you're doing great! Your stats were:
height: 32" (45%)
weight: 25.5lb (50%)

You continue to be Mr Independent. If you want to eat and I try to feed you, you won't eat. YOU have to be holding the spoon, thank you very much. And if something goes down you don't like, you throw a tantrum. They range from throwing yourself on the ground, to trying to hit us or Maysen, to running full speed into my leg or the couch for effect. Its rather comical.

You are very sensitive and become rather shy quickly. If you get put on the spot, you will put your finger in your mouth and tuck your head.

You love to be outside and will take any opportunity to sneak outside. Almost Hudini.

We stopped giving you the bottle at bed/nap. You seem to do OK with it but haven't been doing naps for Amanda when she is babysitting. You are offered a sippy cup at night but really don't use it (I'd rather you not ..) so that habit is broken! What a big boy ...

More to come, my growing boy ...

Friday, June 12, 2009

almost 18 months


My my how fast you are growing! I can’t believe you’re in 24mo clothing and barely 18mo old. I can still remember your brother wearing most of the clothes you’re in. We should be taking your bottle away, but it works so wonderfully in putting you to bed. I am dreading that missing from our nightly routine, just because it runs so smoothly. But, this month we will do that. Your hair is still red, but getting lighter and your curls are continuing! I’m not sure when we’ll cut it but I’m enjoying them…

You are sure smart! When you and Maysen play chase you have started to anticipate his movements. This surprises even him sometimes! You still can’t make it up onto the couch by yourself so you now go get Bubba’s stool, carry it to the couch and hoist yourself up. At bedtime I will hand you your bottle and wave “bye bye” at me and walk to your crib for ni-night.

Our first camping trip with your cousins was last month. We went to South Beach. The wind blew like you wouldn't believe and you got cold quickly. Otherwise we had a great time! You loved the sand ...

Your words you’re saying the most these days are “bubba, stop, hot, cat, hi-yee,” you’ll wave bye-bye. We have gotten used to your grunts and groans that we know what you want and have made it unnecessary for you to talk, almost. You have us wrapped around your finger!! Monkey See, Monkey Do is the newest game. You’ll imitate anyone doing anything that looks fun.

When we try and feed you, you’ll have nothing to do with it. You want to feed yourself, thank you very much!! Favorites include beans, peaches/pears, chocolate milk, Peanut Butter and Jelly, Cheeto Natural, popcorn, Fig Newtons, peas. You hate bananas - I think it's the texture.

You love the hose and spraying it but you hate to be sprayed. Sleeping through the night is happening slower than it did with Maysen. You sleep from 8:30pm until about 7:00am. If you get a bit more bottlel then you’ll sleep until 9:00am. You get one nap, still (thankful you take one!) from about noon – 2:00pm.
Your big toenails fell off a few weeks back. You must have smashed them in the door or something because one day I noticed they were lifting up! You didn't seem to mind at all, so I just trimmed them way back and eventually they fell off. Weirdest thing. You're so "cool" though, nothing ever seems to get you riled up. I love you so much ...

Sunday, May 10, 2009


Grandma and Grandpa were here this last week. You had fun with grandma reading Green Eggs and Ham. She would hold your fingers and go "buzzzzbuzzzbuzz" on the mouse on each page. You loved it!

It took you awhile to warm up to Grandma and Grandpa but once you did, that was it. You wanted to be with them all the time. I hope we get to see them again soon!

You're quite the singer these days. You're approaching 17 months old and already my little singer! Anytime a song comes on in the car, radio, or even your singing books you'll start singing and you get your eye brows bushed up all serious like you are on Idol!

This is what you need to be wearing away from your brother these days - suit of armor!! He's a little rough on you but something tells me you'll be getting him back one of these days.

Mr Attitude is back - you will walk around and "Aungh!" your way through whatever you want. Somehow it's just annoying enough to give in to what you want so we don't have to hear it anymore! However, I'd rather brave through it long enough so that you will learn your words! You actually did start saying "Momma" more than just when you were angry crying.

Mr Scoot - You will throw yourself down about 5 feet away from any door and scoot-scoot-scoot your happy fast way to the door to try and get out before you come and haul him back in.

Indian Giver - You cart things around with you and you'll blow up to the first person you see, hand it to them and walk about 3 steps back. Then you'll turn around and demand it back ... you guessed it, by the AUNGH!

Playing chase is a new-found love in this house. You will chase your brother around while he screams. You love it when he screams (Goody....).

You still get a bottle. That's going to be my hardest thing to break with you. I put you to bed with it and I hear nothing but peace. I will miss the peace once I take it away. Darn.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Almost 16 months, past Easter

Happy Easter, Roo.

You found eggs and put them in your basket. You even ate chocolate for breakfast! It was a fun day and you liked the ball and tractor in your Easter Basket. (not to mention candy)

What a little attitude you have these days. You’ll come and yell because something’s not going your way. If you’re mad because I picked you up, you’ll scratch my chest then look at me. Your brother pulled my hair when he didn’t like getting picked up. You have thrown a couple of tantrums by throwing yourself on the ground. If you want to hold something yourself vs someone giving it to you or doing it for you, you’ll turn away and run off like you’re too good, usually including a grunt or a holler. Grandma Sherrill gave you a good tantrum the other day and you watched her like “what a crazy lady”.

You can say: Ball, basketball, hot, cat, dada, bubba, dog, bite, hi. Singing is something you like to do and will go “La La La La” and bob your head around while dancing when you hear music. You’ll give kisses (open mouth), blow kisses, wave bye-bye. You still get a bottle when we put you to bed and you have 2 bottom teeth coming in. The one on the right bottom is swollen, bruised, and raised up waiting to come in. It’s no fun, that’s for sure!

You love being outside. You’ll try and sneak your way out if there’s an open door. You’ll sit down real fast and scoot to the door but you sit down about 5 feet away from the door! Right now the weather is warming up and you squeal when the water is going and love to run your little feet through it.

Off you go following your big brother around ….

Monday, March 30, 2009

Words - 15 months


Your speech is picking up now. You saw Cat (--At), Hot (--Ot), Bubba, Daddy, Momma, bath and are mimicking just about every word we say. You insist on feeding yourself with your spoon already and do a relatively good job with thick liquids like applesauce, soup, cottage cheese. So far you are left-handed.

You’ll wave bye-bye and will say “hi” when someone says it to you. You are doing this funny thing when I ask if you’re hungry or thirsty. You’ll growl. Like a grunt/growl and it’s to the point where if you are hungry/thirsty you’ll do that to basically tell me.

Surprises are fun to watch because you do the mouth-wide-open like a “gasp” but you’ll do it when you know something is going to sound funny or at a expected surprise. Speed is nothing – you are running everywhere now and will even go down/up stairs and steps with total grace. You will go to grab my hand if it’s there but if it’s not you seem to make it up/down.

BALL is your favorite word right now and love the basketball. You’ll walk around and throw it down – anything round (eggs, tomato, grapes, apples) are balls. You just cut your 10th tooth - top right molar. Strawberry-blonde is what your hair color is and very curly in the back. After the bath is when it's at it's peak "curlieness".

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Tooth #9


I know, another nickname? Yes. I honestly don't think we ever had this many nicknames with Maysen. But you don't seem to mind and come willingly (sometimes) when you're called by various names.

You cracked the surface with your 9th tooth yesterday. It's your top-left molar. You have been cranky and throwing your fingers in your mouth. A couple weeks ago I noticed a bruise back there so figured it was on it's way. You have bruised your gums a couple of times when teething.

Your new word is "Ball". You even say the "L" of ball. And you LOVE balls. Right now you love picking up and tossing the ball, even a full-sized basketball. You'll do this for hours. It makes you happy.

You still dance whenever you hear music. Even a whistle. You have started doing a whistle-like sound of your own. It's like this singing but the pitch goes up and down erratically really fast. And you're starting to be really ornery to your brother. Don't get me wrong, he's had it coming to him! But if you're mad at him you'll go behind him and pull his hair, or scratch him and yell. It's kind of quite funny ... Shh ... don't tell.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

14 months

We got home from your 2nd real trip to the beach on Sunday. You had a great time and showed us another thing you are fearless of and that is the water waves. You kept walking straight for them, oblivious to their strength. Bubba actually got caught in a wave and I had to save him from it, getting knocked in the water too. It was frightening for a mom to come that close to danger with her babies. Luckily daddy had you. We rented Isabella Cottage and stayed 4 days.

While we were there you enjoyed "peek-a-boo" with your brother in their cabinet. You'd crash the door open and just giggle when Bubba got pretend-scared. You loved it!!

You are doing great things now. You almost demand to hold the spoon yourself and you want to feed yourself. Today you actually picked up cottage cheese on your spoon and fed yourself almost the whole bowl. Then today you also said "Ball". Your first real word. I mean, for awhile now you'd say "Momomomomoma" when you'd be mad or upset. Or you say Dada at random. But I said "get your ball" and you did and came back and looked right at me, trying really hard and said "Ba - l". So fun to watch. You have such control over this wooden duck you have to push and you push it just right to where it stands up and walks. I always say "quack, quack, quack" and you try to mimic me. You understand "dog" and will say "da!" for dog, and you have started to correlate Bubba = Maysen and are saying Bubba for Mase's name. So fun.

You have figured out "nose, eyes, forehead" because while at the cottage you bumped my nose with your finger for a certain sound, and so on for the various other body parts. So smart!!

Before we left town we took you guys to the Devil's Lake park. What a playground they have! Of course you just wanted to get wet and you did! You had a great time.

Right now you're walking with this big boodah belly. You stick it out and puff your chest out while you walk like you're hot stuff. Bubba will chase you and you just try to run so fast into my (safe) arms and you get so excited.

We love you, little Roo.

Friday, February 20, 2009

almost 14 months ..

You’re not a talker yet. I can say “Where’s the dog?” and you’ll look for her. Or I’ll say “Where’d Bubba go?” and you’ll look for him but that’s it. You will say MOMMMMOMMM if you’re mad and you want me. That’s the other time you say it. You really don’t call me or dad by name. You don’t even say “Dada” much. You’re very quiet and you suppose we know what you are thinking. You do this funny thing where you will stick your arms at your sides, but stiff and moved behind you a bit. Then you’ll poke your neck out and really just give someone/something the what-for spitting and talking as fast as you can. “Oh really!?” is all we can muster out.

Tantrums are what you like to throw lately. If you’re not getting something in the manner you think you should be getting it, you will stiffen your body and let one loose. You’ll even scratch me – then look at me like “did that get an effect?” Bubba has been hard on you lately. He knocks you down, pushes you over, rolls over you. The other night he even said he was trying to wash your hair and by the time I got there you had two balls of bubbles on your eyes … you were screaming your head off. I am sure that one day Maysen will be running to me telling how much you’re beating HIM up. His times coming and paybacks are a you-know-what.

One of your favorite things right now is dancing. If you hear music (from a book, TV, radio, me singing) you’ll start rocking your head side to side. Then you move to waving your hands out to your sides like you’re trying to fly. You make this noise like you’re trying to sing with the music. Then after a few minutes of that, you’ll find me, grin and come running – wanting me to pick you up and dance too. You are quite the mommy’s boy. When I go on my walk at night you miss me and cry until I come home. I love that – because you’re mommy’s “baby boy”. My red-curly-haired, 8 toothed tiger.

We’re taking Maysen out tomorrow. I think he misses being the only child so you’re going to go stay with Grandma. I think she’s looking forward to having some Griffin-Alone time. So, it works out for everyone! We will miss you though, and just tonight Maysen started talking about everything he has yet to teach you llllliiiiiiiiikkkkkkkkkke, “riding bikes with the kids, potty’ing in the toilet, putting on his clothes right, drinking out of a big boy cup, building a super-fast train…” so he has a big job coming up. Before too long you boys will be sharing Maysen’s room, bunk beds intact as the flashlight and big brother talk continues. You are lucky boys.

And I’m a lucky mommy ….

Thursday, January 15, 2009

12 month check

You had your 12 month check last week. Of course you're right on target and we had nothing really to talk about. We did talk about how your skull is asymmetrical, probably from being held on one side too long. There is a small bulge in the back of your head on the left side. She said it was very subtle, and really it is. You can only notice it if your hair is wet. I guess we won't buzz cut your hair .. Haha. You also got FIVE shots today. That always makes mom sad, but if it keeps you healthy that's all that matters. Poor little piggy legs though :( Your stats are:iou

Height: 30 inches (50%)
Weight: 21lb 10 oz (25%)

You have just recently got your 8th tooth in. Its your bottom right tooth that just popped through about 10 days ago. You've also started dancing - or at least responding to music. You'll start swinging your arms around, clapping, bouncing, and going "huh-huh-huh" noises kind of like mimicing singing.

Tonight you also learned to stand up by yourself. Up until now you've always crawled to an object and pull yourself up on that and then start walking again. Tonight, Maysen knocked you down and you crawled over to the cabinet but before you got there, you put your arms out and pulled up with your legs -- and stood up on your own! No more crutch!

Your new kick is that you try and put things into my mouth at bathtime. You'll put a fishie foam pad in my mouth then try and take it out with yours. You get so excited when you do! And I love to watch you do new things ...