Friday, February 20, 2009

almost 14 months ..

You’re not a talker yet. I can say “Where’s the dog?” and you’ll look for her. Or I’ll say “Where’d Bubba go?” and you’ll look for him but that’s it. You will say MOMMMMOMMM if you’re mad and you want me. That’s the other time you say it. You really don’t call me or dad by name. You don’t even say “Dada” much. You’re very quiet and you suppose we know what you are thinking. You do this funny thing where you will stick your arms at your sides, but stiff and moved behind you a bit. Then you’ll poke your neck out and really just give someone/something the what-for spitting and talking as fast as you can. “Oh really!?” is all we can muster out.

Tantrums are what you like to throw lately. If you’re not getting something in the manner you think you should be getting it, you will stiffen your body and let one loose. You’ll even scratch me – then look at me like “did that get an effect?” Bubba has been hard on you lately. He knocks you down, pushes you over, rolls over you. The other night he even said he was trying to wash your hair and by the time I got there you had two balls of bubbles on your eyes … you were screaming your head off. I am sure that one day Maysen will be running to me telling how much you’re beating HIM up. His times coming and paybacks are a you-know-what.

One of your favorite things right now is dancing. If you hear music (from a book, TV, radio, me singing) you’ll start rocking your head side to side. Then you move to waving your hands out to your sides like you’re trying to fly. You make this noise like you’re trying to sing with the music. Then after a few minutes of that, you’ll find me, grin and come running – wanting me to pick you up and dance too. You are quite the mommy’s boy. When I go on my walk at night you miss me and cry until I come home. I love that – because you’re mommy’s “baby boy”. My red-curly-haired, 8 toothed tiger.

We’re taking Maysen out tomorrow. I think he misses being the only child so you’re going to go stay with Grandma. I think she’s looking forward to having some Griffin-Alone time. So, it works out for everyone! We will miss you though, and just tonight Maysen started talking about everything he has yet to teach you llllliiiiiiiiikkkkkkkkkke, “riding bikes with the kids, potty’ing in the toilet, putting on his clothes right, drinking out of a big boy cup, building a super-fast train…” so he has a big job coming up. Before too long you boys will be sharing Maysen’s room, bunk beds intact as the flashlight and big brother talk continues. You are lucky boys.

And I’m a lucky mommy ….

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