Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Woo Hoo for once! Daddy was discharged from the hospital this afternoon. As though a miracle had set in, his strength and grip had regained (despite muscle enzyme changes shown on labs). Feeling pretty good, they let him leave to be with us in the NICU with you and so far has been doing pretty well. It’s so nice to have him back.

You're doing pretty good, too. I went to my doctor appt today, and everything is moving slowly (healing-wise). Then I went to see you. My morning with you started out frustrated because they had oxygen on you – stating that your oxygen desaturated to the 70s. When I looked at what was going on when your oxygen level fell, I found they were feeding you on your back. Apparently side-lying position feeding didn’t get passed along to the new nurses. Once they fed you the other way, you did fine. Dr Pelinka called and I asked her to write an official order that they have to feed you side-lying, and she did. The nurse had also said you were very lethargic and not waking up for her. But, once I started talking to you, you woke right up.

Later that afternoon, the lady came to hook you up to an EEG machine, the machine that catches seizure activity. Dr Pelinka had talked to the pediatric neurologist in Porltand who suggested doing a repeat one to compare activity. He also said that if you were his patient, he might just trying you off of Phenobarbital (seizure med) to see how you does – as the seizures are more than likely related to the illness rather than a chronic seizure disorder. I am hoping that they at least taper you off of it – as this afternoon you seemed very lethargic. We bathed you and you got very upset, but once we get your clothes back on we could barely wake you up to eat. I sure like to see your eyes, but this afternoon was fruitless on that front. Tomorrow Dr Goins, the pediatric neurologist here in town will be in for a consult. Dr Pelinka told me that you're looking so good that depending on what Dr Goins says – you might get to go home tomorrow! If not tomorrow, probably Thursday. Let’s pray Dr Goins has good news … oh! And the pediatric neurologist said he hadn’t seen the MRI that was read with an abnormality – but said that what it was suggesting as an abnormality seemed to be something normal in premies. That was good news – but we’ll wait for the official report.

Until tomorrow …

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